Following ADA Bathroom Guidelines
The ADA was designed to prevent discrimination against persons with a disability. ADA guidelines developed help people with disabilities in many areas of life. One of the areas where guidelines help individuals with disabilities is with access to facilities. These standards are not a building code. They comprise design and construction standards that fall under civil rights law. The guidelines set forth provide sound guidance for the construction and remodeling of residences. One important area for everyday access and ease of use is the bathroom. The 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible design are available online at if you would like to see the specifications for these standards. There is also a great article that breaks it down into cleaerer language at the site. In this article we will provide an overview of the major areas that are required to be addressed when designing bathrooms in accordance with ADA guidelines.
Doorways should be wide enough to easily accommodate a moving wheelchair. Door hardware should have a shape that is easy to grasp. Doors should not require excessive force to in order to open them. Doors shall not swing into the clear floor space required for any fixture
Clear Floor Space
Just as in doorways, there should be sufficient clear space inside the bathroom to maneuver a wheelchair as it turns.
Toilet Space
Space is always a big concern in the ADA standards and this goes for the toilet room as well not only in the toilet area but also access to the area. Grab bars are required on the back wall and a side wall. Flush controls should be easily reachable and not take a lot of force to operate. They should be hand controlled or automatic. Toilet paper dispensers should be installed within reach. Dispensers that limit continuous paper flow are not to be used.
Grab Bars
Grab bars are to be rounded and mounted properly. They should be able to support sufficient force. There should be no sharp edges.
Follow our Project Manager, Avi along for a tour on a ADA compliant bathroom remodel
Mirrors should be at least 74 inches high to viewable from a sitting and standing position.
Shower Stalls
Showers stalls that are 36” by 36” are not for wheelchair use. They will provide grab bars that are easily within reach to assist with balance. Shower stalls that are 60”” provide additional space for wheelchair users to maneuver. Dispensers shall be easily accessible and be operated without excessive force.
Bathtubs seats should be structurally strong, be mounted securely and not slip during use. Grab bars shall be provided with specifications similar to the requirements for the shower.
Sinks shall be accessible. Knee clearance shall be provided. Pipes shall be insulated to protect against contact. There should be no sharp or abrasive surfaces. Faucets shall be lever operated, push-button, touch type or electronically controlled for ease of use.
This is an overview of many of the major areas you need to address when following ADA standards. The way ADA bathroom enhancements benefit a disabled person depends on the type of disability that a person has. The end goal is to always make life easier for that person and keep them safe.